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Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien
PhD candidate in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (f­­/­­m­­/­­d) 22.03.2025 Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien Jena (DE)
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PhD candidate in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (f­­/­­m­­/­­d)

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Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien
Jena (DE)
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PhD candidate in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (f/m/d)
Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien
Jena (DE)
Aktualität: 22.03.2025


22.03.2025, Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien
Jena (DE)

PhD candidate in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (f/m/d)

Unternehmen: Leibniz-Institut für Photonische TechnologienArbeitszeitmodell: Teilzeit - Vormittag, Teilzeit - Nachmittag, Teilzeit - AbendArbeitsort: Jena (DE)Stellenbeschreibung:PhD candidate in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (f/m/d) in Jena

At the Leibniz Institute of Photonics Technology (Leibniz IPHT (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/homepage/) ) we are looking in the Research Department Spectroscopy & Imaging (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/departments/spectroscopy-and-imaging/work-groups/molecular-imaging/) for a part-time (65%) position for a

PhD candidate (m/f/d)

The position is to be filled as soon as possible and is initially limited to a period of 3 years.

An extension will be sought if suitable.

The Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de) ) is involved in a joint project of the call «Innovative Materials and Processes for Quantum Systems», which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF (https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/en/home/home_node.html) ). The goal of the joint project is to develop resonant interband cascade detectors as sensitive sensors for infrared spectroscopy and their integration in demonstrators. Leibniz IPHT is responsible to design and realize an instrument for detection of clinical relevant breath gas components and its calibration using defined gas mixtures. The PhD topics encompass infrared-based analytics, gas mixing, instrument development including control software, sensor integration, and data processing. A team of experienced scientists from various departments will support these tasks.

Your field of activity includes:

- Measurements of gases by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and non-dispersive IR instruments
- Setup a gas mixing system to prepare gas samples of defined composition and concentration
- Design and realization of a first version of the demonstrator with conventional components
- Control software to collect experimental data with the demonstrator
- Integrate resonant interband cascade detectors into an advanced demonstrator
- Algorithms to quantitate target analytes including validation with test and control samples
- Construction of a chamber for measurements of breath gas with the demonstrator

Your qualification:

- Diploma/Master's degree in natural (chemistry, physics or similar) or engineering sciences

Desired knowledge and skills:

- Practical experience in the design and construction of optical experiments, including light sources and sensors
- Knowledge of infrared spectroscopy, especially for gas analysis
- Knowledge of metrological methods and data analysis
- Advanced knowledge of LabView, Python or comparable programming languages
- Very good knowledge of English

We offer:

- An open welcoming culture and an inclusive and interdisciplinary working environment: Located on the Beutenberg campus in Jena, Leibniz-IPHT is home to more than 400 employees from around the world working at the interface of physics, biochemistry, technology, data science and medicine to develop the photonic technologies of tomorrow.
- World-class equipment and facilities: Leibniz-IPHT has a large number of physics, chemistry and biology laboratories at the highest level. It also has state-of-the-art fiber drawing and clean room facilities (including lithography facilities) as well as microfluidics fabrication and big data computing facilities.
- Thorough and comprehensive personal training: Transferring good practices in scientific working and outreach is one of our main focus points. We'll teach everything that is needed for a career inside and outside of academia in a respectful and enjoyable way. Moreover, plenty of workshops and opportunities for scientific exchange are offered by the Leibniz IPHT, as well as the Abbe School of Photonics and the Graduate Academy of the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena.
- A family-friendly working environment with support offers for the compatibility of family and work (e.g. parent-child office, campus kindergarten places, advice on family care situations from trained care guides and much more).
- Flexible working time models as well as 30 days vacation/year, special annual payment and bridge days.
- Jena - City of Science: a young city with a vibrant local cultural agenda!


Salary is in accordance with the regulations of the TV-L and your qualifications and experience.

About us:

The Leibniz-IPHT is a university independent research institute with close connection to the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and member of the Leibniz association. We are a modern, internationally focused research institute. Work-life balance is one of our central concerns. We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of gender, disability, nationality or ethnic and social origin. If women are underrepresented in the area of the advertised position, they will be given preferential consideration in the hiring process if they are equally qualified.

Further information:

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Christoph Krafft (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/author/470/) , mail: christoph.krafft@leibniz-ipht.de or Dr. Gabriel Zieger, mail: gabriel.zieger@leibniz-ipht.de.


Please simply apply via our job portal (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/institute/career/job-portal/) (https://www.leibniz-ipht.de/en/institute/career/job-portal/) or send your application electronically as one pdf file via E-Mail until March 31, 2025 including your CV and certificates to:

Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology Jena e. V.

Human Resources

Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena

E-Mail: Personal_Abtl@leibniz-ipht.de

Code: 1342
Inhalt: © Bundesagentur für Arbeit − Referenznummer: 15396-k45001.1357-S
