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Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Postdoctoral researcher position 18.06.2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH Hamburg (DE)
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Postdoctoral researcher position

Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Hamburg (DE)

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Postdoctoral researcher position
Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Hamburg (DE)
Aktualität: 18.06.2024


18.06.2024, Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Hamburg (DE)
Postdoctoral researcher position
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Apply the newly developed coupled climate and water modelling tool to investigate the current and projected effects of large-scale water management. The main objective is to focus on the societal, economic and environmental impacts of different water management and climate adaptation strategies. - Support the development of the regional water resources model coupled with the regional climate model REMO. - Develop new, end-user-driven scenarios that follow different narratives and enable a systematic assessment of climate sensitivities of varying water use and adaptation strategies. - Develop tailored storyline-based scenarios and model experiments based on end-user needs. - Identify relevant end-users and stakeholders (stakeholder mapping). - Engage in and organize end-user workshops and stakeholder events to identify their visions and needs to be incorporated in scenario and model development. - Support the co-development of guidance documents that foster the routine implementation of water use in a climate modelling context. - Representation of the group and GERICS at scientific and societal relevant conferences, workshops, and meetings; and compiling scientific and technical publications of the findings in related international peer-reviewed research journals.
Das bringen Sie mit:
- A university degree and PhD in environmental or climate sciences or other related natural and earth science disciplines is essential. - Excellent knowledge in understanding and assessing global change impacts, preferably focusing on the water sector. - Background knowledge of (regional) climate modelling, hydrological processes, and their interaction with the climate system is beneficial. - Prior experience in stakeholder engagement, capacity building and/or methods for designing the dialogue with end-users is beneficial. - Proficiency in programming languages like Python is essential. - Experience with software version control systems such as git, familiarity with Linux/Unix computer environments, and experience with high-performance computing facilities are beneficial. - Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. - An appropriate record of peer-reviewed publications to demonstrate the skill to publish the work in scientific journals is essential. - Experience in education and supervision of students and PhDs is beneficial. - Willingness to work in an international and interdisciplinary team at the Climate Service Center Germany. - Interest beyond the pure scientific analysis of data and processes is expected as the focus of our center is on the provision of decision-making knowledge.
