25 km
Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt
You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany? 09.10.2024 Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt Neuenbürg, Württemberg (DE)
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You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?

Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt
Neuenbürg, Württemberg (DE)
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You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?
Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt
Neuenbürg, Württemberg (DE)
Aktualität: 09.10.2024


09.10.2024, Dr. Marcel Maßberg Zahnarzt
Neuenbürg, Württemberg (DE)
You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany?
Or you are a dental assistant from abroard and you woukd like to work in Germany?
You are a dentist or dental assistant searching for a job as dental assistant in Germany? You are a dentist or a dental assitant, who is already living outside of Germany? You want to work in Germany? If you are a dentist with diploma in a country but not yet allowed to work as a dentist in Germany? So you can come to Germany, work in our dental office as a dental assitant, get to know the german dental system and learn German. And after 2 or 3 years you are enabled to pass the test to get your license as a dentist in Germany. English would be recommended.
