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thyssenkrupp nucera Management AG
Intellectual Property (IP) Coordinator (all genders welcome) 04.05.2024 thyssenkrupp nucera Management AG Dortmund (DE)
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Intellectual Property (IP) Coordinator (all genders welcome)

thyssenkrupp nucera Management AG
Dortmund (DE)

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Intellectual Property (IP) Coordinator (all genders welcome)
thyssenkrupp nucera Management AG
Dortmund (DE)
Aktualität: 04.05.2024


04.05.2024, thyssenkrupp nucera Management AG
Dortmund (DE)
Intellectual Property (IP) Coordinator (all genders welcome)
Ihre Aufgaben:
You are responsible for searching and collecting technical novelty, patent documents, and scientific papers. You organize IP workshop to collect potential ideas for patents. You assist to inventors in preparation of invention reports and coordinate the preparation of first filings. You communicate with patent attorneys for tracking the progress of patent application, and maintaining the patent rights in the later stage. You are responsible of the management of IP assets-related documentation like Office Actions from the patent offices, a summary of the IP portfolio, patent invalidation, etc. You execute the competitor observation for our core technologies: AWE and Chlor-Alkali electrolysis, and providing the latest information to Innovation Center teams in time. You give support in regards to Freedom To Operate analysis, patent landscape analysis, prior art searches, license agreements, non-disclosure agreements, inventor remuneration. You participate in IP budget scenario, IP strategy, and IP road-maps.
Das bringen Sie mit:
You have a university degree in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry or electrochemistry. You have gained profound experience in the chemical process industry or engineering company. Ideally, you have an additional education in the field of IP (e.g. patent engineer). Alternatively, you have knowledge in the field of IP. You are familiar with professional patent database. You have excellent capability of patent judgment and infringement judgment; you are able to preliminary judge the patentability and infringement of the companys key projects. You have excellent communication skills, to be able to communicate well with the patent attorneys and Rundamp;D team members. You are good at learning and sense of responsibility. You have excellent English skills.
