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Intern in Product Management Smart Tech & Communication Services (m­­/­­f­­/­­d) in Düsseldorf (2024) 02.07.2024 Vodafone GmbH Düsseldorf
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Intern in Product Management Smart Tech & Communication Services (m/f/d) in Düsseldorf (2024)
Aktualität: 02.07.2024


02.07.2024, Vodafone GmbH
Intern in Product Management Smart Tech & Communication Services (m/f/d) in Düsseldorf (2024)
Ihre Aufgaben:
During your internship, you will work independently on performance analyses of our Smart Tech products. You collect and analyze market data (new customers, customer changes, sales figures) of different coun-tries. With the results, you support digital media advertising campaigns using internal and external systems and ensure good data and reporting quality. You will support the team in the creation of campaign reports and product performance dashboards, and you will also be responsible for smaller product development projects or competitive and market analyses in cooperation with the team. You will help us to further develop the product based on the performance data. And you actively shape our Vodafone Spirit.
Das bringen Sie mit:
You are either enrolled or currently in a gap year. You are studying business administration, business engineering or a comparable field of study with good academic performance. Strategic thinking skills and strong competence to communicate complex issues efficiently, a high degree of independence and a quick comprehension Good knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel and PowerPoint Good numerical and analytical thinking Interested in data analysis Great fun understanding intertwined products, processes and services and developing potential for im-provement from a customer experience perspective Fluent in English
