
bewerbung2go - Stellenmarkt Aktuelle Stellenangebote

25 km

Informationen zur Anzeige:

Trainer & Engineer (w/m/d)
Brunel GmbH NL Berlin
Berlin (DE)
Aktualität: 27.06.2024


27.06.2024, Brunel GmbH NL Berlin
Berlin (DE)
Trainer & Engineer (w/m/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Preparation, implementation, and follow-up of various trainings (after prior, intensive and structured induction) Optional additional possible activities (if interested/motivated): Coordination of specific needs with our customers and joint development of suitable (individual) training or further development/adaptation of existing training - proactive development of new training scenarios on the dispatcher training simulator - Coordination of the data model update of different customer network models - Work as a consultant on small, medium, or large projects related to digital grid operations (with relevant qualifications, also possible as a project manager)


Trainer & Engineer (w/m/d)

Brunel GmbH NL Berlin
Berlin (DE)
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