
bewerbung2go - Stellenmarkt Aktuelle Stellenangebote

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Informationen zur Anzeige:

Postdoc in the frame of the EU Mission:'Restore our Ocean and Waters' projectSeaDots
Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Geesthacht (DE)
Aktualität: 12.11.2024


12.11.2024, Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Geesthacht (DE)
Postdoc in the frame of the EU Mission:'Restore our Ocean and Waters' projectSeaDots
- a university degree and a PhD in modelling, physics ornatural sciences - a capacity and interest to work in different fields of marinescience including physics, biogeochemistry, ecologicalprocesses, environmental engineering - talent for computational scientific work is necessary - very good written and verbal English communication skillsare required - good communication skills for communicating results todifferent audience including general public in relation todissemination activities


Postdoc in the frame of the EU Mission:'Restore our Ocean and Waters' projectSeaDots

Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Geesthacht (DE)