
bewerbung2go - Stellenmarkt Aktuelle Stellenangebote

25 km

Informationen zur Anzeige:

Einkäufer (m/f/d)
Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort München
Neubiberg (DE)
Aktualität: 19.10.2023


19.10.2023, Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort München
Neubiberg (DE)
Einkäufer (m/f/d)
Ihre Aufgaben:
-Negotiate commercial and or legal agreements with suppliers -Negotiate capacity for Infineon -Be single point of contact to supplier on working level -Implement risk mitigation measures pre supplier -Define the assumption for short/mid/long term price and volume forecast -A very renowned company
Das bringen Sie mit:
-Degree in Industrial Engineering or comparable, alternately a degree that combines technical courses and Business Administration -Experience in technical procurement, negotiation, supplier relationship management -Knowledge of supply chain including manufacturing processes, logistics and quality management -Expertise and understanding of the semiconductor products, market, particularities and the supply chain in semiconductor field from foundry to assembly -SoLution-oriented mindset and abstract thinking -The capability to outline and present complet issues in a simple manner while not neglecting the essential details -Multi-cultural and interpersonal skillset including cross-functional teamwork -Communication skills and English knowledge


Einkäufer (m­­/­­f­­/­­d)

Hays Professional Solutions GmbH Standort München
Neubiberg (DE)
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