
bewerbung2go - Stellenmarkt Aktuelle Stellenangebote

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Informationen zur Anzeige:

Commodity Manager - OEM Services (m/w/d)
fabplus GmbH
Manching (DE)
Aktualität: 18.05.2024


18.05.2024, fabplus GmbH
Manching (DE)
Commodity Manager - OEM Services (m/w/d)
- Erstellen, Implementieren und Überwachen einer Commodity-Strategie für den Perimeter - Verwalten von Lieferantenbeziehungen und lieferantenbezogenen Entwicklungsprogrammen - Leiten des (Sub-)Commodity-Multifunktionsteams - Leiten und Vorantreiben von Angeboten, Ausschreibungen und Lieferantenauswahlprozessen - Leiten und Beitragen zu Beschaffungs-/Wertschöpfungsprojekten und -initiativen, die auf die Erzielung von Synergien und Einsparungen abzielen - Führen von Verhandlungen mit Lieferanten, um sicherzustellen, dass die Programmerwartungen erfüllt werden - Aufsetzen, Aushandeln und Verwalten von Vertragsvereinbarungen mit Lieferanten, einschließlich Verhandlungen über auslaufende Verträge und Verhandlungen über neue Lieferantenverträge - Leiten der Entwicklung der Lieferantenbewertung (SED) und des Lieferantenmanagements und Definieren von Aktionsplänen zur Entwicklung strategischer Lieferanten - The jobholder will work on developing structural relationships with well established worldwide suppliers like Collins, Thales, Cobham, Viasat, etc and managing complex workpackages - The main responsibility is to develop and execute a strategy for sub-commodities, which will include to get a deep understanding of the market, technology evolution, tendering, negotiations and long-term contract establishment with suppliers - As well supplier analysis (supplier evaluation, supplier financial analysis, etc), risk assessment and management, and make or buy business case, etc - The jobholder will develop a solid working knowledge of certain commodity trends including: cost drivers, global pricing, market and industry trends and material lead times to maintain availability of cost-effective supplies of materials, equipment and services - Coordinate all activities within the Multifunctional Teams - MFT of the domain (with members from different functions like e.g. Engineering, Finance, Program, Quality etc.) to safeguard the successful management of the sub-commodity, securing the lines and enabling value for money proposals for the platforms - With the work, the jobholder contributes to the profitability of the company and to the expansion of the successful projects and related services, which is a vital part of Airbus Defence and Space growth strategy - Establish, implement monitor a Commodity strategy for ythe perimeter - Manage supplier relationships and supplier related development programs - Lead and drive to conclusion bids, tenders and supplier selection processes x - Lead and contribute to Procurement/ Value Creation projects initiatives that aim at delivering synergies and savings - Lead negotiations with supplier to assure program expectations are meet - Set-up, negotiate and manage contractual agreements with suppliers, including negotiations for exiting contracts and negotiation of new supplier contracts - Lead Supplier Evaluation Development (SED) and Vendor Management and define action plans to develop strategic suppliers
- Erfolgreicher Abschluss in Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Betriebswirtschaft / I


Commodity Manager - OEM Services (m/w/d)

fabplus GmbH
Manching (DE)
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