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Aviation Industry Personnel Services GmbH
Buyer MSI PSCI for R&T (m/w/d) Airbus 29.06.2024 Aviation Industry Personnel Services GmbH Hamburg (DE)
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Buyer MSI PSCI for R&T (m/w/d) Airbus

Aviation Industry Personnel Services GmbH
Hamburg (DE)
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Buyer MSI PSCI for R&T (m/w/d) Airbus
Aviation Industry Personnel Services GmbH
Hamburg (DE)
Aktualität: 29.06.2024


29.06.2024, Aviation Industry Personnel Services GmbH
Hamburg (DE)
Buyer MSI PSCI for R&T (m/w/d) Airbus
Ihre Aufgaben:
Ensure coordination with Airbus R&T, engineering and program teams to formulate the appropriate procurement strategies for a variety of R&T projects Participation in strategic project as #zeroE (Zero Emission) for PSCI Support a coherent and strategic approach to the supply chain for R&T, integrat market intelligence, suppliers' strategic positioning and performance into sourcing decisions Manage procurement activities related to R&T (run call for tenders RFI /RFP, prepare and conduct negotiations until contract signature, manage contract templates, follow-up execution and prepare amendments) Through R&T projects, you will perform sourcing and screening activities to identify potential new partners Negotiate the necessary Cooperation and Research Agreements with Suppliers thereby securing the appropriate IP rights for Airbus, thus enabling multi-sourcing and competitiveness for the future Develop a large network internally and externally Ensure professional and trusting supplier relationship management with major aeronautical industry players and uphold the Company ethics and compliance standards in all your dealings. Bereitschaft zu Dienstreisen (mehrmals im Jahr möglich) Logistik u. Materialwirtschaft
Das bringen Sie mit:
Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Ingenieurwesen, Betriebswirtschaft oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Mehrjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Einkauf Gute Kenntnisse von Projektmanagement und Prozessmanagement Gute Kenntnisse in MS-Office und SAP Verhandlungssichere Deutschkenntnisse Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Ingenieurwesen
